91. Namanya DB, Bikaitwoha EM, Berrang-Ford L, Kiconco A, Kasede Napyo A (2023). Malaria Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors among Batwa Indigenous People of Kanungu District in Southwestern Uganda: Does “Place” Matter? Journal of Biosciences and Medicines. 11(7)
90. Namanya DB, Bikaitwoha EM, Berrang-Ford L, Lwasa S, Kesande C, Twesigomwe S, Nyakol R (2023). Malaria Illness and Accessing Healthcare in an African Indigenous Population: A Qualitative Study of the Lived Experiences of Uganda’s Batwa in Kanungu District. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines. 11(5)
89. Coggins S, Berrang-Ford L, Hyams K, Satyal P, Ford JD, Paavola J Arotoma-Rojas I, Harper SL (2021). Empirical assessment of equity and justice in climate adaptation literature: a systematic map. Environmental Research Letters. 16: 073003
88. Davis K, Ford JD, Quinn C, Harper SL (2021). From participatory engagement to co-production: Modelling climate-sensitive processes in the Arctic. Arctic Science
87. Lam S, Dodd W, Skinner K, Papadopoulos A, Harper SL (2021). How and why are Theory of Change and Realist Evaluation used in food security contexts? A scoping review. Evaluation and Program Planning. 102008.
86. Borish D, Cunsolo A, Snook J, Shiwak I, Wood M, Mauro I, Dewey C, HERD Caribou Project Steering Committee, Harper, SL (2021). “Caribou was the reason, and everything else happened after”: Effects of caribou declines on Inuit in Labrador, Canada. Global Environmental Change, 68:102268.
85. Borish D, Cunsolo A, Mauro I, Dewey C, Harper SL (2021). Moving images, Moving Methods: Advancing Documentary Film for Qualitative Research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 20: 1–14.
84. Brubacher LJ, Berrang-Ford L, Clark S, Patterson K, Lwasa S, Namanya DB, Twesigomwe S, IHACC Research Team, Harper SL (2021): ‘We don't use the same ways to treat the illness:’ A qualitative study of heterogeneity in health-seeking behaviour for acute gastrointestinal illness among the Ugandan Batwa, Global Public Health
83. Steele V, Patterson K, Berrang-Ford L, King N, Kulkarni M, Namanya D, Kesande, C, Batwa Communities, Twesigomwe S, Asaasira G, Harper, SL (2021). Factors influencing antenatal care attendance for Bakiga and Indigenous Batwa women in Kanungu District, Southwestern Uganda. Rural and Remote Health. 21: 6510.
82. Bussalleu A, King N, Pizango P, Ford J, Carcamo CP, IHACC Research Team, Harper SL (2021). Nuya kankantawa (we are feeling healthy): Understandings of health and wellbeing among Shawi of the Peruvian Amazon. Social Science & Medicine, 114107.
81. Bussalleu A, Pizango P, King N, Ford J, IHACC Research Team, Harper SL (2021). Kaniuwatewara (when we get sick): understanding health-seeking behaviours among the Shawi of the Peruvian Amazon. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1-13.
80. Lam S, Dodd W, Berrang-Ford L, Ford J, Skinner K, Papadopoulos A, Harper SL (2021). How are climate actions evaluated? A review of United Nations food security evaluations. Global Food Security, 28:100509.
79. Scarpa G, Berrang-Ford L, Bawajeeh AO, Twesigomwe S, Kakwangire P, Peters R, Beer S, Williams G, Zavaleta-Cortijo C, Namanya DB, Lwasa S (2021). Developing an online food composition database for an Indigenous population in south-western Uganda. Public Health Nutrition, 24(9): 2455-64.
78. Patterson K, Berrang-Ford L, Lwasa L, Namanya DB, Ford J, IHACC Research Team & Harper SL (2021). Food security variation among Indigenous communities in South-western Uganda. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. Online ahead of print.
77. Middleton J, Cunsolo A, Pollock N, Jones-Bitton A, Wood M, Shiwak I, Flowers C, Harper SL (2021). Temperature and place associations with Inuit mental health in the context of climate change. Environmental Research, 111166. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2021.111166.
76. Bryson, J.M., Patterson, K., Berrang-Ford, L., Lwasa, S., Namanya, D.B., Twesigomwe, S., et al. (2021). Seasonality, climate change, and food security during pregnancy among indigenous and non-indigenous women in rural Uganda: Implications for maternal-infant health. PLoS ONE 16(3), e0247198.
75. Bussalleu, A., Di-Liberto, A., Carcamo, C. et al. (2020). Cultural Values and the Coliform Bacterial Load of “Masato,” an Amazon Indigenous Beverage. EcoHealth (17), 370–380.
74. van Bavel, B., Ford, L.B., King, R. et al. (2020). Integrating climate in Ugandan health and subsistence food systems: where diverse knowledges meet. BMC Public Health (20), 1864.
73. van Bavel, B., Berrang Ford, L., Harper, S. L., Ford, J., Elsey, H., Lwasa, S., & King, R. (2020). Contributions of scale: What we stand to gain from Indigenous and local inclusion in climate-health monitoring and surveillance systems. Environmental Research Letters, 15(8), 083008.
72. Zavaleta-Cortijo, C., Ford, J. D., Arotoma-Rojas, I., Lwasa, S., Lancha-Rucoba, G., García, P. J., … & Harper, S. L. (2020). Climate change and COVID-19: Reinforcing Indigenous food systems. The Lancet Planetary Health. On-line ahead of print.
71. Scarpa, G., Berrang-Ford, L., Zavaleta-Cortijo, C., Marshall, L., Harper, S. L., & Cade, J. E. (2020). The effect of climatic factors on nutrients in foods: evidence from a systematic map. Environmental Research Letters. Accepted manuscript.
70. Helwig, J. E., Bishop-Williams, K. E., Berrang-Ford, L., Lwasa, S., & Namanya, D. B. (2020). Doing More Than Asking for Opinions: A Framework for Participation and Ecohealth in Health Information System Evaluations. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI), 15(3), 22-46.
69. Middleton, J., Cunsolo, A., Jones-Bitton, A., Shiwak, I., Wood, M., Pollock, N., ... & Harper, S. L. (2020). “We’re people of the snow:” Weather, climate change, and Inuit mental wellness. Social Science & Medicine, 113137.
68. Bryson, J. M., Bishop-Williams, K. E., Berrang-Ford, L., Nunez, E. C., Lwasa, S., Namanya, D. B., IHACC Research Team, & Harper, S. L. (2020). Neglected tropical diseases in the context of climate change in East Africa: A systematic scoping review. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 102(6), 1443–1454.
67. Ford, J. D., King, N., Galappaththi, E. K., Pearce, T., McDowell, G., & Harper, S. L. (2020). The resilience of Indigenous Peoples to environmental change. One Earth, 2(6), 532-543.
66. Torres-Slimming, P. A., Wright, C. J., Lancha, G., Carcamo, C. P., Garcia, P. J., Ford, J. D., IHACC Research Team, & Harper, S. L. (2020). Climatic changes, water systems, and adaptation challenges in Shawi Communities in the Peruvian Amazon. Sustainability, 12(8), 3422.
65. Middleton, J., Cunsolo, A., Jones-Bitton, A., Wright, C. J., & Harper, S. L. (2020). Indigenous mental health in a changing climate: A systematic scoping review of the global literature. Environmental Research Letters, 15, 053001.
64. Patterson, K., Clark, S., Berrang-Ford, L., Lwasa, S., Namanya, D., Twebaze, F., IHACC Research Team & Harper, S. L. (2020). Acute gastrointestinal illness in an African Indigenous population: The lived experience of Uganda's Batwa. Rural & Remote Health, 20(1), 5141.
63. Charette, M., Berrang-Ford, L., Coomes, O., Llanos-Cuentas, E. A., Cárcamo, C., Kulkarni, M., & Harper, S. L. (2020). Dengue incidence and sociodemographic conditions in Pucallpa, Peruvian Amazon: What role for modification of the dengue–temperature relationship?. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 102(1), 180-190.
62. Lam, S., Dodd, W., Skinner, K., Papadopoulos, A., Zivot, C., Ford, J., Garcia, P. J., IHACC Research Team, & Harper, S. L. (2019). Community-based monitoring of Indigenous food security in a changing climate: Global trends and future directions. Environmental Research Letters, 14(7), 073002.
61. Torres-Slimming, P. A., Wright, C., Carcamo, C. P., Garcia, P. J., & Harper, S. L. (2019). Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: A mixed methods study of health-related Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) for Indigenous Shawi in the Peruvian Amazon. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(13), 2429.
60. Ford, J. D., Clark, D., & Naylor, A. (2019). Food insecurity in Nunavut: Are we going from bad to worse? CMAJ, 191(20), E550-E551.
59. Busch, J., Berrang-Ford, L., Clark, S., Patterson, K., Windfeld, E., Donnelly, B., Lwasa, S., Namanya, D., & Harper, S. L. (2019). Is the effect of precipitation on acute gastrointestinal illness in southwestern Uganda different between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities? PLoS ONE, 14(5), e0214116.
58. Harper, S. L., Berrang-Ford, L., Carcamo, C., Cunsolo, A., Edge, V. L., Ford, J. D., Llanos, A., Lwasa, S. & Namanya, D. B. (2019). The Indigenous climate–food–health nexus. In: People and climate change: Vulnerability, adaptation, and social justice, 184-212. Oxford University Press.
57. Ford, J. D., Clark, D., Pearce, T., Berrang-Ford, L., Copland, L., Dawson, J., ... & Harper, S. L. (2019). Changing access to ice, land and water in Arctic communities. Nature Climate Change, 1.
56. Windfeld, E. J., Ford, J. D., Berrang-Ford, L., & McDowell, G. (2019). How do community-level climate change vulnerability assessments treat future vulnerability and integrate diverse datasets? A review of the literature. Environmental Reviews, 27(4), 427-434.
55. Saini, M., Roche, S., Papadopoulos, A., Markwick, N., Shiwak, I., Flowers, C., ... & Harper, S. L. (2019). Promoting Inuit health through a participatory whiteboard video. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 1-10.
54. King N., Bishop-Williams K., Beauchamp S., Ford J., Berrang Ford L., Cunsolo A., IHACC Research Team, Harper S. (2019) How do Canadian media report climate change impacts on health? A newspaper review. Climactic Change. doi: 10.1007/s10584-018-2311-2
53. Bishop-Williams K.E., Berrang-Ford, L., Sargeant, J., Pearl, D.L., Lwasa, S., Namanya, D.B., Edge, V.E., Cunsolo, A., IHACC Research Team, Bwindi Community Hospital, Huang, Y., Ford, J., Garcia, P., Harper, S.L. (2018) Understanding weather and hospital admissions patterns to inform climate change adaptation strategies in the healthcare sector in Uganda. Int Journal Environ Res Public Health 15(11): 2402.
52. Zavaleta, C., Berrang-Ford, L., Ford, J., Llanos-Cuentas, A., Cárcamo, C., Ross, N.A., Lancha, G., Sherman, M., Harper, S.L., & IHACC Research Team. Multiple non-climatic drivers of food insecurity reinforce climate change maladaptation trajectories among Peruvian Indigenous Shawi in the Amazon. Plos One. On-line ahead of print.
51. Chen, C., J. Hellmann, L. Berrang-Ford, I. Noble, and P. Regan. A global assessment of adaptation investment from the perspectives of equity and efficiency. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. On-line ahead of print.
50. Ford, J.D., Sherman, M., Berrang-Ford, L., Llanos, A., Carcamo, C., Harper, S.L., Lwasa, S., Namanya, D.B., Marcello, T., Maillet, M., Edge, V. 2018. Preparing for the health impacts of climate change in Indigenous communities: The role of community-based adaptation. Global Environmental Change. 49:129–139.
49. Flynn, M., Ford, J., Pearce, T., and Harper, S.L. (2018). Participatory scenario planning and climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability research in the Arctic. Environmental Science & Policy. 79:45–53.
48. Wright, C.J., Sargeant, J.M., Edge, V.L., Ford, J.D., Farahbakhsh, K., Shiwak, I., Flowers, C., Gordon, A.C., RICG, IHACC Research Team, and Harper, S.L. (2018). How are perceptions associated with water consumption in Canadian Inuit? A cross-sectional survey in Rigolet, Labrador. Science of The Total Environment, 618(15): 369–378.
47. Wright, C.J., Sargeant, J.M., Edge, V.L., Ford, J.D., Farahbakhsh, K., Shiwak, I., Flowers, C., IHACC Research Team, and Harper, S.L. (2017). Water quality and health in northern Canada: stored drinking water and acute gastrointestinal illness in Labrador Inuit. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9695-9.
46. Zavaleta, C., L. Berrang-Ford, A. Llanos-Cuentas, C. Carcamo, J.D. Ford, R.Silvera, K. Patterson, G.S. Marquis, S.L. Harper, and the IHACC Research Team (2017) Indigenous Shawi communities and national food security support: right direction but not enough. Food Policy 73:75-87.
45. MacVicar, S., L. Berrang-Ford, S.L. Harper, Y. Huang, D.B. Namanya, and S. Yang (2017) Weather impacts on birth weight in Indigenous and non-Indigenous mothers in rural Uganda: evidence of effect modification by ethnicity. PLoS ONE 12:e0179010.
44. MacVicar, S., L. Berrang-Ford, V. Steele, S.L. Harper, S. Lwasa, D.B. Namanya, S. Twesigomwe, G. Asaasira, S. Yang, IHACC Research Team, and N. Ross (2017) How seasonality and weather affect perinatal health: comparing the experiences of Indigenous and non-Indigenous mothers in Kanungu District, Uganda. Social Science & Medicine 187:39-48.
43. Lesnikowski, A., J.D. Ford, R. Brisebroek, L. Berrang-Ford, M. Maillet, M. Araos, and S. Austin (2017)What does the Paris Agreement mean for adaptation? Climate Policy 17:825-31.
42. Kulkarni, M., G. Garrod, L. Berrang-Ford, I. Ssewanyana, S.L. Harper, N. Baraheberwa, B. Donnelly, K. Patterson, D. Namanya, S. Lwasa, and C. Drakeley (2017) Examination of antibody responses as a measure of exposure to malaria in the Indigenous Batwa and their non-Indigenous neighbours in southwestern Uganda. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 96:330-34.
41. Bishop-Williams, K.E., J.M. Sargeant, L. Berrang-Ford, V.L. Edge, A. Cunsolo, and S.L. Harper (2017) A protocol for a systematic literature review: comparing the impact of seasonal and meteorological parameters on acute respiratory infections in Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Systematic Reviews 6:19.
40. Charette, M., L. Berrang-Ford, E.A. Llanos-Cuentas, C. Carcamo, and M. Kulkarni (2017) What caused the 2012 dengue outbreak in Pucallpa, Peru? A socio-ecological autopsy. Social Science & Medicine 174:122-32.
39. Donnelly, B., L. Berrang-Ford, J. Labbe, S. Twesigomwe, S. Lwasa, B.D. Namanya, S.L. Harper, M. Kulkarni, N.A. Ross, IHACC Research Team, and P. Michel (2016) Prevalence and risk factors of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasitemia among Indigenous Batwa and non-Indigenous communities of Kanungu District, Uganda. Malaria Journal 15:254.
38. Clark S, Berrang-Ford L, Lwasa S, Namanya D, Twesigomwe S, IHACC Research Team, et al. (2016) A Longitudinal Analysis of Mosquito Net Ownership and Use in an Indigenous Batwa Population after a Targeted Distribution. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0154808. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154808
37. Sherman, M., Berrang-Ford, L., Lwasa, S., Ford, J., Namanya, D.B., Llanos-Cuentas, A., Maillet, M., Harper, S., and the IHACC Research Team (2016) Drawing the line between adaptation and development: a systematic literature review of planned adaptation in developing countries. WIREs Climate Change, 7(5), 707-726.
36. McDonald, M.E., Papadopoulos, A., Edge, V., Ford, J., IHACC Research Team, Sumner, A., Harper, S.L. (2016). What do we know about health-related knowledge translation in the Circumpolar North? Results from a Scoping Review. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 75: 31223.
35. Clark, D.G., Ford, J.D., Pearce, T.,Berrang-Ford, L. (2016) Vulnerability to unintentional injuries associated with land-use activities and search and rescue in Nunavut, Canada. Social Science and Medicine. 169. 18-26.
34. Clark, D.G., Ford, J.D., Berrang-Ford, L., Pearce, T., Kowal, S., Gough, W.A. (2016). The role of environmental factors in search and rescue incidents in Nunavut, Canada. Public Health Journal. DOI 10.1016/j.puhe.2016.06.003.
33. Bunce, A., Ford, J.D., Harper, S., Edge, V., and IHACC Research Team (2016) Vulnerability and adaptive capacity of Inuit women to climate change: a case study from Iqaluit, Nunavut. Natural Hazards, 83(3), 1219-1441.
32. Sherman, M., Ford, J.D., Llanos-Cuentas, A., José Valdivia, M., and IHACC Research Group (2016) Food system vulnerability amidst the extreme 2010–2011 flooding in the Peruvian Amazon: a case study from the Ucayali region. Food Security, 8(37), 1-20.
31. Ford, J.D., Cameron, L., Rubis, J., Maillet, M., Nakashima, D., Willox, A.C., and Pearce, T. (2016) Including Indigenous knowledge and experience in IPCC assessment reports. Nature Climate Change. 6, 349-353.
30. Patterson, K., Berrang-Ford, L., Lwasa, S., Namanya, D.B., Ford, J., Twebaze, F., Clark, S., Donnelly, B., and Harper, S.L. (2016) Seasonal variation of food security among the Batwa of Kanungu, Uganda. Public Health Nutrition, doi:10.1017/S1368980016002494
29. Ford, J.D., Maillet, M., Pouliot, V., Meredith, T., Cavanaugh, A., IHACC Research Team. (2016) Adaptation and Indigenous peoples in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Climatic Change. 1-15.
28. Labbé, J., Ford, JD., Berrang-Ford, L., Donnelly, B., Lwasa, S., Namanya, DB., Twesigomwe, S., IHACC Research Team, and Harper, SL. (2016). Vulnerability to the health effects of climate variability in rural southwestern Uganda. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change.
27. Guo, Y., Berrang-Ford, L.,Ford, J., Lardeau, MP., Edge, V., Patterson, K., the IHACC Research Team, and Harper, S. (2015). Seasonal prevalence and determinants of food insecurity in Iqaluit, Nunavut. International Journal of Circumpolar Health.
26. Harper, S.L., Edge, V.L., Ford, J., Thomas, M.K., IHACC Research Group, Rigolet Inuit Community Government, and McEwen, S.A. (2015). Lived experience of acute gastrointestinal illness in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut: “Just suffer through it”. Social Science & Medicine, 126: 86-98.
25. Harper, S., Edge, V., Ford, J., Thomas, K., Pearl, D., IHACC, Rigolet Community Government, and McEwen, S. (2015). Healthcare utilization in two Inuit communities: Acute gastrointestinal illness in Rigolet and Iqaluit, Canada. International Journal of Circumpolar Health.
24. Harper, S.L., Edge, V.L., Ford, J., Thomas, M.K., Pearl, D., Shirley, J., IHACC Research Team, Rigolet Inuit Community Government, and McEwen, S.A. (2015). Acute gastrointestinal illness in two Inuit communities: Burden of illness in Rigolet and Iqaluit, Canada. Epidemiology and Infection.
23. Sherman, M., Ford, J., Llanos-Cuentas, A., Valdivia, M.J., Bussalleu, A., IHACC Research Group. (2015). Vulnerability and adaptive capacity of community food systems in the Peruvian Amazon: a case study from Panaillo. Natural Hazards.
22. Statham, S., Ford, J., Berrang-Ford, L., Lardeau, M.-P., Gough, W., and Siewierski, R. (2015) Anomalous climatic conditions during winter 2010–2011 and vulnerability of the traditional Inuit food system in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Polar Record, 51(3):301-317.
21. Harper, S.L., Edge, V.L., Ford, J., Cunsolo-Willox, A., Wood, M., IHACC Reseach Team, RICG and McEwen, S.A. (2015). Climate-sensitive health priorities in Nunatsiavut, Canada. BMC Public Health. 15:605
20. Pearce, T., Ford, J., Cunsolo Willox, A., and Smit, B. (2015) Inuit Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) Subsistence Hunting and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Canadian Arctic. Arctic. 68(2), 235-245
19. Ostapchuk, J., S.L. Harper, A. Cunsolo Willox,V.L. Edge, and the Rigolet Inuit Community Government. (2015). Exploring Elders’ and Seniors’ Perceptions of How Climate Change is Impacting Health and Well-being in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut. International Journal of Indigenous Health. 9(2), 6-24.
18. Ford, J., Cunsolo-Willox, A., Chatwood, S., Furgal, C., Harper, S., Mauro, I., and Pearce, T. (2014). Adapting to the effects of climate change on Inuit health. American Journal of Public Health, 104(S3): e9-e17.
17. Clark, S., Berrang-Ford, L., Lwasa, S., Namanya, D.B., Edge, V.L., IHACC Research Team, and Harper, S. (2014). The burden and determinants of self-reported acute gastrointestinal illness in an Indigenous Batwa Pygmy population in southwestern Uganda. Epidemiology and Infection, [Epub ahead of print].
16. Lewnard J, Berrang-Ford L, Lwasa S, Namanya D, Patterson, K Donnelly B, Kulkarni-Woodstock M, Harper S, Ogden N, Carcamo C, Indigenous Health Adaptation to Climate Change Research Group. (2014). Relative undernourishment and food insecurity associations with Plasmodium falciparum among Batwa pygmies in Uganda: evidence from a cross-sectional survey. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, 91(1): 39-49.
15. Sherman, M., and Ford, J. (2014). Stakeholder engagement in adaptation interventions: an evaluation of projects in developing nations. Climate Policy, 14(3): 417-441.
14. Sherman, M., and Ford., J. (2013). Market engagement and food insecurity after a climatic hazard. Global Food Security, 2(3): 144-155.
13. Ford, J. and King, D. (2013). A framework for evaluating adaptation readiness. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change.
12. Petrasek MacDonald, J,. Ford, J., Cunsolo-Willox, A., and Ross, N. (2013). A review of protective factors and causal mechanisms that enhance the mental health of Indigenous Circumpolar youth. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 72.
11. Maillet, M., and Ford, J. (2013).Climate Change Adaptation, Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Health Diplomacy Monitor, 4(2): 10-14.
10. Ford, J. (2013) Ford responds: Letter in response to Macpherson and Akpinar-Elci comment on Ford’s “Indigenous Health and Climate Change”. American Journal of Public Health, 103(1).
9. Sherman, M., Berrang-Ford, L., Ford, J., et al. (2012). Balancing Indigenous Principles and Institutional Research Guidelines for Informed Consent: A case study from the Peruvian Amazon. American Journal of Bioethics: Primary Research, 3(4): 1–16
8. Berrang-Ford, L. Dingle, K., Ford, J et al. (2012). Vulnerability of Indigenous Health to Climate Change: A Case Study of Uganda’s Batwa Pygmies. Social Science & Medicine, 75:1067-1077.
7. Ford J, Vanderbilt W, and Berrang-Ford L (2012) Authorship in IPCC AR5 and its implications for content: Climate change and Indigenous populations in WGII. Climatic Change, 113(2): 201-213.
6. Ford, J. (2012). Indigenous health and climate change. American Journal of Public Health, 102(7): 1260-1266.
5. Ford J, and Pearce T (2012) Climate change vulnerability and adaptation research focusing on the Inuit subsistence sector in Canada: Directions for future research. The Canadian Geographer, 56(2): 275-287.
4. Ford J, Bolton KC, Shirley J, Pearce T, Tremblay M, and Westlake M (2012) Research on the Human Dimensions of Climate Change in Nunavut, Nunavik, and Nunatsiavut: A Literature Review and Gap Analysis. Arctic, 65(3): 289-304.
3. Harper, S.L. (2012) Review of B. Friedrich, J. Hacker, S. E. Hasnain, T. C. Mettenleiter, and J. Schell ‘Climate Change and Infectious Diseases.’ Epidemiology and Infection, 140(4): 765.
2. Ford J, Bolton KC, Shirley J, Pearce T, Tremblay M, and Westlake M (2012) Mapping human dimensions of climate change research in the Canadian Arctic. Ambio, 41(8): 808-822.
1. Hofmeijer I, Ford JD, Berrang-Ford L, Zavaleta C, Carcamo C, Llanos E, Carhuaz C, Edge V, Lwasa S, and Namanya D (2012) Community vulnerability to the health effects of climate change among Indigenous populations in the Peruvian Amazon: A case study of from Panaillo and Nuevo Progreso. Mitigation and Adpatation Strategies for Global Change.