IHACC was present during the 2014 Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, held at Brock University from May 19-24 2014. The five projects funded under the IRIACC initiative presented their work in a session called:
Climate Change and Vulnerability – IDRC/Tri-Council Projects II: Opportunities and Barriers for Indigenous People’s Adaptation to Climate Change – Considering Institutional Arrangements at Different Scales
Special Session Organizers: Mya Sherman, James Ford, Lea Berrang Ford, McGill University Chair: Shuaib Lwasa
Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity of Community Food Systems in the Peruvian Amazon: A Case Study from Panaillo Mya Sherman, James Ford, McGill University
The Use of Formal Healthcare in Remote Indigenous Communities: A Comparison of Two Indigenous Communities of the Peruvian Amazon Alejandra Bussaleu Cavero, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Analysis of Collaborative Processes for Governance to Climate Change in the Ucayali Region, Peru? Jahir Anicama, Cayetano Heredia Foundation; Guillermo Donoso, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile; Alejandro Llanos, Cayetano Heredia University; Johannes Glückler, Universität Heidelberg
Is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change an effective (or appropriate) institution for supporting indigenous populations’ adaptation to climate change? Michelle Maillet, James Ford, McGill University