IHACC team meets in Lima to Discuss year one progress, future goals

group photo in limaThe IHACC team, including members of the Project Management Committee from Canada, Peru, and Uganda met during the first week of June in Lima, Peru to discuss the progress of the project, and plan for the years ahead. 

On the first day of the meeting, each team presented their preliminary findings from the first year of the Burden of Illness study, and discussed many interesting linkages and synthesis opportunities that have arisen thus far. The second and third days of the meeting were devoted to laying the groundwork for the Health Systems Analysis study that will take place over the next four years of the project, and discussing potential intervention opportunities that could be implemented across multiple study regions.

The IHACC team is very greatful for the hospitality of the Peruvian Regional Operations Team, as well as the staff of Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and the Foundation Cayetano Heredia who helped coordinate the week.