
New publication by IHACC collaborator Sarah Statham in Polar Record

We are happy to announce that IHACC collaborator Sarah Statham's Master's work has been published in the latest edition of Polar Record!  Follow this link to read the article, entitled Anomalous climatic conditions during winter 2010–2011 and vulnerability of the traditional Inuit food system in Iqaluit, Nunavut. Abstract:

This study examines how climatic extremes during winter 2010–2011 affected the traditional food system in Iqaluit, Nunavut. This winter was anomalous throughout the Canadian Arctic, and manifested itself locally by warmer temperatures and decreased ice coverage. Drawing upon in-depth interviews with hunters (n = 25), a fixed question survey with public housing residents (n = 100), as well as analysis of remotely sensed sea-ice charts and temperature data from the Iqaluit weather station, this work identifies and characterises the extreme climatic conditions experienced, their subsequent effects on Iqaluit's traditional food system, and coping strategies used for dealing with food-related stresses. The results show increased environmental stress on the traditional food system compared to previous years. Freeze up occurred 59 days later than the average for the 1982–2010 period, while mean annual temperatures were 4.9ºC higher than the climatological mean, which negatively impacted hunters’ harvests and residents’ food supplies. Coping strategies alleviated some stresses, but adaptability was limited for financially insecure households reliant on income support. The study shows that when challenging socioeconomic conditions, such as those associated with public housing, are coupled with significant environmental stress, such as experienced during that winter, the vulnerability of the traditional food system is exacerbated. We suggest that winter 2010–2011 can be used as an analogue for exploring future food system vulnerabilities, with climate models projecting similar conditions in the coming decades.

Kate Bishop-Williams Presents at the IECID in Spain

Kate Bishop-Williams presented her preliminary research findings from Rigolet, Nunatsiavut at the first ever International Conference on the Impact of Environmental Change on Infectious Diseases in Sitges, Spain on Monday, March 22, 2015. Kate’s research is entitled: Seasonal changes in prevalence of acute gastrointestinal illness and concurrent respiratory symptoms in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, Canada. This research was supervised by: Dr. Sherilee Harper, Dr. Lea Berrang-Ford, and Dr. Victoria Edge, and conducted in collaboration with Dr. Kate Thomas, Dr. James Ford, Inez Shiwak and the IHACC research team. Kate’s trip was funded by a Latornell scholarship at the University of Guelph.

Update from the field: Kaitlyn Finner in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut (Labrador)


This week Masters student Kaitlyn Finner and community-based researchers Inez Shiwak and Lisa Palliser-Bennett are meeting with community members in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut to hear their perspectives on food inventories and photo card interviews that were conducted over the course of a year, from May 2013 to 2014. The participatory methods were adapted for the Rigolet based project and the research team is working to better understand how the methods can be further adapted for future food related research in Rigolet, and other communities that may be interested.

"It’s been a great week so far with lots of interviews and amazing weather, but the real highlight is set to take place this weekend when the 2015 Winter Sports Meet is held at Northern Lights Academy in Rigolet for school teams from along the Northern coast of Labrador!"

Rigolet, Nunatsiavut (photo by Kaitlyn Finner)

Congratulations to Kate Bishop: 2nd place at the Arctic Change Student Poster Session


Kate Bishop, a PhD student at U of Guelph received the 2nd place at the Arctic Change Student Poster Session at the Arctic Change conference in Ottawa (December 8-12 2014). She presented her poster : Seasonal Changes in Prevalence of Acute Gastrointestinal Illness in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, Canada (Bishop-Williams K,  Berrang-Ford L, Edge VL, Ford J, Thomas K, Shiwak, I, RICG, IHACC Research Group, Harper S). To view her poster, click here

IHACC at the Arctic Change conference in Ottawa

Many IHACC researchers and researchers from James Ford Climate Change Adaptation Research Group ( are at the Arctic Change conference in Ottawa from December 8-12, 2014. You can find all the Arctic Change 2014 programs here.


T17. Community Adaptation and Vulnerability in Arctic Regions. Co-chairs: Tristan Pearce, James Ford, Barry Smit. Room 210

  • 10:30 Pearce, Tristan Vulnerability and Adaptation Research in the Arctic
  • 10:45 Tjensvoll Kitching, Knut The Dynamics of Climate Change Vulnerability in the Southern Baffin Region, Nunavut
  • 11:15 Bunce, Anna Inuit Women and Climate Change: Perspectives and Experiences Regarding Climate Change and Adaptation in Iqaluit, Nunavut
  • 11:30 Parker, Colleen Freezer Space and Food Security in Ulukhaktok, NWT

T04A. Education in Inuit Nunangat in a Time of Change. Co-chairs: Lars Kullerud, Mary Simon, Thierry Rodon. Room 201

  • 10:45 Lalonde, Genevieve Examining Perceptions of Learning Success among Inuit and Southern Educators

T26C. Health and Well-Being in Arctic Communities: Advancements in Practices, Processes and Outcomes. Co-chairs: Chris Furgal, Eric Loring. Room 206

  • 11:15 Jasiuk, Linnaea Inuit Women’s Perspectives on a Healthy Life
  • 11:30 Cunsolo Willox, Ashlee IlikKuset-Ilingannet/Culture-Connect: Promoting Cultural-Based Youth Mentorship Programs to Support Mental Health, Resilience, and Cultural Sustainability in Nunatsiavut, Labrador
  • 16:15 Finner, Kaitlyn Context Matters: Developing an Approach for Food Systems Research in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut

T09B. Arctic Wildlife Co-Management Challenges and Solutions – Bringing Together Inuit and Scientific Knowledge. Co-chairs: John Cheechoo, Lisa Loseto, Gregor Gilbert. Room 210

  • 16:30 Tjensvoll Kitching, Knut Tuktu and Climate Change: Inuit Harvesting on Southern Baffin Island


T10. Arctic Youth: the Future to a Sustainable Arctic Environment. Co-chairs: Graham May, Justina LeeStolz, Jenna Gall. Room 102

  • 11:00 Petrasek MacDonald, Joanna Youth-Identified Protective Factors for Mental Health and Well-Being in a Changing Climate: Perspectives from Inuit Youth in Nunatsiavut, Labrador

T24B. Addressing Food (In)security in the Arctic. Co-chairs: Leanna Ellsworth, Laura Bennett, Tiff -Annie Kenny. Room 206

  • 16:00 Statham, Sara The Nunavut Food Security Coalition’s Value Toward and Need for Food Security Research


#7 Lalonde, Genevieve The cultural negotiation of Inuit education #37 Parker, Colleen Vulnerability of an Inuit Food System to Climate and Socio-Economic Change #48 Ford, James Inuit Traditional Knowledge for Adapting to the Health Effects of Climate Change #49 Jasiuk, Linnaea Inuit Women’s Conceptualizations of and Approaches to Health in a Changing Climate